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Artist Statement

When a ship sinks to the bottom of the ocean it does not merely deteriorate. Over time, plankton and planula attach themselves all over the ship. The planula and plankton then grow into beautiful coral reefs, creating a paradise community for all sorts of sea life. I think of myself as the ship, and the plankton and planula are the obstacles that life has thrown at me. Through those obstacles I have learned and grown into a beautiful person. However, coral is a very fragile animal, if water temperature falls just two degrees below or above its normal temperature the coral become stressed and bleach themselves. When coral bleaches, it is shedding the pigment in its skin, which is its major food source. In other words, it begins to kill itself along with the aquatic community thriving on it. I too can become so overwhelmed with stress that I feel like I am purging my own life source. 
My process consists of tedious and repetitive textures, specific coloration, and atmospheric firings. The repetitiveness is my form of meditation and the bright colors are the life within me. The pieces are atmospherically fired causing those bright colors to bleach out representing my overwhelming stress. 
The tides of the ocean rise and fall depending on the gravitational pull of the moon. Twice a month these pulls can be so great that they make the tides rise and fall within 16 meters. As the tide recedes, pockets of oceanic life are left behind, called tide pools. From the outside these look like beautiful tiny ecosystems, full of corals, anemones, seaweed, and other life forms. However, after the tide goes out those creatures are trapped and as the sun goes down the seaweed stops creating oxygen in the water and the creatures not only fight for food, but also oxygen. In the chaos of life things can begin to pile up so high that I feel trapped. As the stress and anxiety build up, I find myself searching for air, while still trying to seem composed on the outside. 
I like to create oceanic life that appear to be beautiful, but with a little more knowledge can seem tragic. People can look beautiful and like they have everything together, but after getting to know a little more about them there can be a lot more under the surface.

Artist Statement: Bio

©2020 by Teresa Collette Frisch. Proudly created with

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